Hello everyone
My name is TeeA and I am new to the forum. I am a mother of 3 who took up yoga 6 months ago in order to lose that last 10 pounds of babyfat, and now find it nearly impossible to seperate myself from the mat. I hope to begin to a teacher training classes after my youngest one leaves for kindergarten. Hopefully by then I maybe ready.
Best of wishes to all!!
Welcome to the world of yoga ,TeeA.
Welcome! It’s funny how yoga has that magical pull huh?
Hello TeeA and welcome to the Yoga Forum and to the vast ocean of Yoga!!
I too am a Yoga follower (yet to be a practitioner) in this rush of life i am somehow not able to stick to a daily routine of practising it… Any tips for me even tho you have 3 children and are reasonably busy with them you still find time to do it…its incredible.
What is the daily routine of Yoga asanas do you follow? If you would like to share that si…
Take care and keep it up!!
How exciting! I am actually starting a teacher training program next week. Welcome to the forums and good luck with the kiddos!
I read your blog and added it to my favorites list. I think it is good that you are taking the leap. Good luck with your endevors and know that there will always be those who support you here.
I too find it very difficult to make it a daily practice, but I find that even if I am fighting it (excuses like too tired, too sore, too busy, upset, worried…and so on) that just getting started makes it all better. After the kids go to bed (we are religous about bed time) I usually spend the first 5 to 10 mins in meditation and then move to standing poses in a vinyasa sequence. I then move to abdominal and core positions ending with inversion preperations (like crow) and then 2 mins in headstand. In the morning, I spend 30min in Sun Salutations and 15 in forward stretches.