I am Philippe, 27 year-old, married to an Indian woman I have met during a trip in India, we are living in France. I am a biology and geology teacher in highschool. I follow the sadhana of Integral Yoga from Sri Aurobindo, I practice Pata?jali Yoga with Bernard Bouanchaud, a student of Desikachar, son of Krishnamacharya, and I currently undergo a four-year course. I have also started recently learning Sanskrit with Yves Baudron, an inspiring teacher. I would like to learn Vedic chanting…
I am glad to join the community and share about Yoga and life.
The course is a teacher training about Yoga practice, theory, philosophy, teaching, basic approach through Ayurveda. At the beginning I was more interested in deepening my own practice, but bit by bit I have been more and more open to the idea of teaching people including kids which I don't do yet. By the way, I intend to follow the formation on a long term beyond these four years. I also think that getting "inner diplomas" is another affair.
As for vedic chanting, it is related to my love for vedic culture and wisdom, for Sanskrit, a sacred language, the subtle aspect of sound and mantras, the influence from my Yoga and Sanskrit teachers. I am also learning by heart Yogasutra with rythm, and I find that it is a very interesting way to deepen philosophy.
I do all these practices in an attempt to grow in spiritual consciousness and these are some activities included in my sadhana of Integral Yoga : http://www.miraura.org/teaching.html
According to this approach, all life is Yoga and a field of experiences. But I have discovered with time other aspects of classical Yoga such as great physical benefits and therapy, I would be also interested in deepening my knowledge of Yoga therapy.