Namaste, I'm Philippe


I am Philippe, 27 year-old, married to an Indian woman I have met during a trip in India, we are living in France. I am a biology and geology teacher in highschool. I follow the sadhana of Integral Yoga from Sri Aurobindo, I practice Pata?jali Yoga with Bernard Bouanchaud, a student of Desikachar, son of Krishnamacharya, and I currently undergo a four-year course. I have also started recently learning Sanskrit with Yves Baudron, an inspiring teacher. I would like to learn Vedic chanting…

I am glad to join the community and share about Yoga and life.


Namaste et Bienvenue Phillipe!
I’m new as well so perhaps we can learn about this forum together.


Namaste and Welcome. You say you are busy with a four year course, but in what?

And what do you hope to gain from learning Vedic chanting?

Hi and thank you for your welcome.

The course is a teacher training about Yoga practice, theory, philosophy, teaching, basic approach through Ayurveda. At the beginning I was more interested in deepening my own practice, but bit by bit I have been more and more open to the idea of teaching people including kids which I don't do yet. By the way, I intend to follow the formation on a long term beyond these four years. I also think that getting "inner diplomas" is another affair.

As for vedic chanting, it is related to my love for vedic culture and wisdom, for Sanskrit, a sacred language, the subtle aspect of sound and mantras, the influence from my Yoga and Sanskrit teachers. I am also learning by heart Yogasutra with rythm, and I find that it is a very interesting way to deepen philosophy.
I do all these practices in an attempt to grow in spiritual consciousness and these are some activities included in my sadhana of Integral Yoga :

According to this approach, all life is Yoga and a field of experiences. But I have discovered with time other aspects of classical Yoga such as great physical benefits and therapy, I would be also interested in deepening my knowledge of Yoga therapy.
