Hello Dear Members _/_
I Have been a student of Buddhism since 2000, I have a Tibetan Lama as my teacher…I do not practice yoga asanas…but I would like to join a yoga center in my area some day. I came here specifically to ask a question:
I have faith that real yogis can be Immortal…and I have faith that they can and do have Powers (such as the ability to walk on water,speed walk, fly, walk through walls, etc) Many people that I try to discuss these things with think I am gullible to believe such things. I have read the autobiographies of the Mahasiddhas, Milarepa, Padmasembhava & Lady of the Lotus Born…I never doubted that what I read was TRUE.
The Question:
What can I say to people that think these things are impossible ?
I already know what your gonna say ! (“Nothing” ! )