I have recently viewed an x-ray of the cervical curve in my neck. Unfortunately it is not a lordotic curve…it is kyphotic. I have been medically advised to never do headstands again. My asana practice does
include a series of headstands in addition to other inversions. Some of
the medical experts suggest that shoulderstand or plow would be safe.
I would appreciate your reaction to the advice that I have received. I
would be very grateful if you would suggest safe therapeutic asanas and
substitions when I am in a class environment. Thank you.
Best regards, B
do you get pain in headstand? if so then follow doctors advice. if not
then tell me more about full spinal and postural alignment.
without seeing you i would recommend that you do backward bending of
cervical and see if strengthening the upper trapezius and cervical spinalis
muslces can make a normal curve. poses to do that would include locust,
cobra, handstands dog pose and forearm balances while lifting head to look at the wall. more than that i would need to see you personally.
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Stay Well and Happy
Mukunda Tom Stiles