Neck injury

I have a person who came to me seeking help. He is in his late fifties and suffered a severe neck injury 20 years ago and lives in constant pain. He has limited range of movement because almost anything he does causes pain in the neck. Just a quick examination with him lying on the floor caused pain in his lower left back. He has been watching one of my classes for several weeks and has decided that yoga may help him. He wants to change his nutrition and begin some kind of movement to improve his condition. He is a Native American and approaches life in a deeply spiritual way. What may i do to help this person?

Namaste, d

Again I would start this man with the JFS and pranayama. Breathing exercises beginning with seated or lying simply breathing into the painful area is the way to begin. If he can learn to direct his energy the pain should lessen or even subside to a great degree. For pain I find the major path to go is pranayama and meditation practices. Opening to the Great Spirit who can allow his body to heal. For people in long-term pain, the key is to focus on helping someone else who is in pain. That teaches them by proxy how to alleviate their own pain.