I’m writing on behalf of my wife. She is actually in Goa right now, and has been for the past several weeks. She has been going to all of her classes, getting good feedback all along, and even taught her first large class to the group the two days ago. Today, the teacher, who owns the shala, told her ‘I cannot give you the certificate Saturday, you are not ready’. She inquired ‘why’, his response: ‘your mind was not in it.’ Nothing more.
What is interesting, is that immediately after the class, he gave feedback, and said: ‘A+’, and said she kept good communication, etc. What happened in between these two events is that my wife asked him if she could stay an extra week after the course was finished (it finishes Saturday) to learn ‘adjustments’. He came to her later that day, and offered 200 euro (very high, considering she would just be going to his regular courses, and there is no certificate involved), she said ‘no’, and the next day (today), he starts playing this game.
My question is this, [B]how does the accreditation system work, what is the best way to call this guy out on his 180 on her progress[/B] (it seems obvious it is motivated by money, or am I being too presumptuous).