Nerve pain in feet

I read your book, Structural Yoga last summer and found it fascinating. Now I am in a position that I need your help! How can I schedule an appointment? I started having nerve pains in my feet in July (burning, itching, tingling). At the time I thought it might be related to mountain bike riding and decided to go easy on the biking for a while. The pains subsided in general although they came back whenever I did much, including walking or biking. Then in November I started having nerve pains and numbness in both hands. I finally went to my doctor and was referred to a neurologist. The neurologist did a preliminary exam (results normal) and recommended an EMG and MRI. The EMG was normal.

The MRI turned up an issue that might be causing all my nerve related symptoms. I just learned this week that the MRI shows spinal stenosis at the C5-C6 level. I have an appointment with the neurologist next week and hope to learn how severe the problem is and what he recommends. I would like to incorporate yoga into my recovery plan. I have been doing yoga off and on for many years. In the last year I have gotten more involved in a regular Ashtanga practice. I don?t know if the Ashtanga poses might have aggravated my problem so I am taking it easy and refraining from practice until I learn more. I do miss my regular practice very much and hope that you can help me define a practice that will address my condition and let me reap all those great yoga benefits! I appreciate your attention very much.

Regards, R

R ? My first suggestion is simple. Increase your water intake, ideally 2 quarts minimum per day. Water do not increase any other liquid. Disc degeneration is a sign of chronic dehydration and that sounds like what you have. Spinal stenosis in the lower cervical will not explain neuralgia in feet. It might account for what is happening in your hands. In terms of yoga do only poses you can extend (elongate) your spine with. Best are backward bending and twists but be sure you are taller in the pose than prior to it.

To schedule an appointment by phone call me or email with several optional times. If you want to come in person to Boulder let me know when you are free and check my Website to get an idea of my free times.