Hello all. I have a few questions about my yoga practices, but I feel like some back story on me might be necessary. I’m very overweight and I have a lot of joint problems from an autoimmune disease. I have tried doing cardio workouts in the past to lose weight, but they’ve always caused relapses with my auto immune disease. My doctor has said its overuse of the joints. A lot of people have suggested yoga and I’ve recently started (and enjoying it too!). I am doing all my practices via youtube videos. I know some on here say this is a bad thing, but the nearest yoga class to me is an hour away and I just don’t have that kind of time.
So onto my questions. Is it normal for my hands to hurt while holding poses like a table top pose and a downward dog? Is it also normal that I cannot do a “proper” downward dog? Right now I do a sort of touching the floor thing, but my knees are bent and I’m definitely not extended as far as I should be. I have watched a few videos and they have all said that downward dog is a beginner pose, which makes me feel awful because I cant do it haha. What would you consider a beginners pose?
Also, I have not done much research into the yoga world, and judging by the little bit I’ve read on the forum there’s a lot, but what type of yoga would you suggest for me? I’d like to do something that will be easy on my joints but will also help me lose weight.
Thank you all!