New To Yoga - Looking for Resources for Guys

Hello all,

I’m new to yoga (relatively) and just wanted to say hello. I’m interested in finding sites where guys can talk to other guys about yoga since there don’t seem to be that many of us practicing. For instance, I would like to use yoga to build muscle and strength, and I would like to get some advice on how to incorporate yoga in with a gym workout schedule (i.e. there is always some part of my body that is sore from lifting weights, depending on what day it is. Should I do yoga that works sore body parts, or should I avoid those poses and let that part rest?).

I hope to get some of my questions answered. It’s good to be a member. I’ll repost these questions on the main board, so you don’t have to answer them here. But I just wanted to say hello.

Welcome to the forum!
