Hello everyone!
I have really been interested in practicing yoga for a long while now, and have tried it a few times here and there. However, as the school year is coming to a close, and summertime is approaching, I would like to take this opportunity to begin incorporating it as a more regular, if not daily, part of my life.
Right now I have “The Beginners Yoga Handbook” by Swami Omananda Saraswati… I found it online and it looked fairly promising. It has information on Yoga Nidra, Asanas, Pranayama, and Mantra Japa in it. However, he has the “course” outlined to include about twenty minutes of one of those things each day, for eight weeks… and I guess I was hoping to sort of pack it all together a bit more and get it done quicker.
It’s not that I’m in a rush to finish it exactly, it’s just that I think I would like to spend more time with Asanas and the physical part of yoga than the handbook provides me with. The asanas he uses are very basic, especially at first, and I don’t feel that practicing them just twice a week for twenty minutes will be enough.
Any ideas for how I might combine the information he gives to me into one day? Ie: Asanas, followed by pranayama, followed by meditation…? Or do you think it is best to just follow the course he has outlined and worry about doing more at a later point in time?
I was also wondering about the best time to practice yoga. I’ve often heard that first thing in the morning is best, but is this true for all aspects of yoga? And what does first thing in the morning even mean… immediately after waking, after taking a shower and brushing my teeth, before or after breakfast? Aren’t people usually very stiff, tired, and weak in the morning, or is that the point – that yoga can wake you up?
Anyway, I think that’s enough for now. Thanks in advance!