Osteoporosis question

I have a prospective student with severe osteoporosis. (51 yr. old female – spine cracked during hysterectomy 18 months ago. Sedentary since then. 25 pounds overweight.) Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thanks! M

To build up the bones I would recommend that you look to Ayurvedic principles for increasing Kapha and its subtler component Ojas. See Prakruti by Robert Svododa for recommendations here. On the Asana level focus her on doing my Joint Freeing series as described in Structural Yoga Therapy book for strength (chap. 18 - pg. 171). She will benefit greatly by identifying the specific muscles that she is strengthening as described in the chapter 16 on anatomy. The objective is not necessarily for her to learn anatomy as it is to feel her anatomy responding with contraction forces in the specific places that are ideal for each motion. Learning to feel the feelings of strength as distinguished from stretch is often a surprisingly confusing experience for many students. Often what is perceived as a stretch is really strength and tone. When this is clarified the student makes progress in toning the muscles, bone strength is necessarily built on this foundation over time. I would keep this woman to only doing this series with mild modifications to compensate for the tendency to be bored. I would not recommend asanas except those done lying on the floor to strengthen the spinal column (erector spinae muscles not latissimus - in other words do not use arm strength), until she is feeling emotionally and physically stronger.