Overcome with emotion after practice

I started practicing yoga just this week and am doing sun salutations. After my first practice I experienced extreme joy and happiness. And today when I was doing the closing relaxation I started crying and was filled with all sorts of emotion.

I’ve been searching the internet and see it’s not that unusual. Anyone here experience anything similar?

I feel deep emotions after yoga nidra, or yoga meditation. Sometimes anger, pain or melancholy, and sometimes bliss and a feeling of walking on air. I’m told it means I’m doing it ‘right’.

I experience lots of repressed energy that has been pushed down deep inside me or stuck which, during meditation where the are allowed to roam freely without resistance, begin to come to the surface. This is a good thing, because at the surface they can be dealt with, hosed down and cleaned up.

Healthy and good.

Yes, It seems to be fairly normal to have emotional responses from yoga practice. It sometimes happens to me…sometimes sad sometimes happy and I see it in my clients too…nothing to worry about.

it happens a lot… it is all good though… just a release of some energy blockage, do not worry…later you will feel bliss after each class:)

Yoga allows us to experience many sensations which might not otherwise feel.

Try to accept them without getting too hung up on what they might mean or why they are happening. Yoga helps us to develop equanimity so that we can experience “positive” and “negative” feelings without chasing after one and running away from the other.