Overweight Students

I have a couple students who have been coming for about a year now and seem very committed to a yoga practice. They are overweight and seem to keep focusing on that issue. I wondered if you might offer suggestions I can give them for yoga postures, diet, etc., that could help them in there goal of achieving a healthily weight. Both are women, menopausal and between 30-40 pounds overweight. I realize that how you feel is more important than being “skinny” but menopausal women tend to high cholesterol and other weight related diseases. I appreciate any help you can give.

Many Blessings, S

S - As for weight issues. I find the best issue is to do the Sun Salutations and Agnisar DHOUTI (pumping the abdomen while holding breath) – I believe I showed this when I was there. Sun Salutes should be increased until the student is doing all their stamina can tolerate and gradually increased as they getting stronger. Optimal is 20 minutes of practice daily. This will definitely lower weight as it increases metabolism. Also check on following the Ayurvedic eating guidelines from The Three Season Diet by John Douillard. This can help put you in rhythm with the cycles of life.