
My daughter (now 1 mo. old) was born with pachygyria, an underdeveloped frontal lobe of her brain. Doctors tell us she’ll have moderate-significant mental retardation, and that she’ll have develop. delays. We are checking into alternative type treatments for her, as we hope to improve upon their predictions. They mentioned that the more we did to stimulate her, the better, and she could POSSIBLY just have mild retardation if we did. We’re pursuing PT/OT as well.

We’re currently taking homeopathic remedies, supplements, and doing stretches with her (though not yoga poses, but we’re checking into that too). We’re also getting Craniosacral therapy through my chiropractor, and we’re seeing some positive results so far. I have bought the book “Yoga for the special child” and it has some great ideas. However, I thought I’d check with you for other ideas. Is there anything you can recommend to me that might help my daughter? I’d greatly appreciate any information you can give me. I want to do ALL I can to help her, and I’m very open to other ideas. THANKS for your time.

Sincerely, G.

PS – S. mentioned Reiki – would that be helpful?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Questioner on 2002-04-27 11:53 ]</font>

Thank you for bringing your situation to my attention. I feel that Reiki can be of help to all of you. My first consideration would be for your and your husband?s personal development and training. I know of an organization in Western Massachusetts that might provide some tremendous assistance to you. It is called the Options Institute. The founder, Barry Kaufman, wrote a book called Son Rising about the transformation of his autistic infant son into a brilliant college student. You can connect to them at or 800-714-2779.

I do not know whether or not there may be yoga practices to benefit your child i would suggest you contact Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram at email to and the Vivekananda Yoga Kendra at or email to to discover what options they have. These are the two most professional medical yoga therapy institutes I know of. While they are both in India they have American representatives that they can refer you to. Check the last page of my Website for other yoga therapy links that you might want to research. Blessings to you all.