
Something has arisen with a client. Married 67 year old woman, direct,
in control, open and seeking help, runs her own travel agency, in the
beginnings of Parkinson’s, arthritis on left arm, constipation. She is
trying to avoid taking the Parkinson’s medications at the moment. When we
have met, she has been in good spirits, very slight shaking, and slow to
move, but able to keep a simple exercise regimen. Today however, she was so
uncomfortable that lying on her back to begin some breath awareness was
impossible. The constipation (had taken colace, but didn’t help), was so
unbearable, her shoulders, neck and head tightened so excessively, that I
believe all of this brought on a severe shaking.

I used my own hands on her, which relieved some of the upper back tension.
We moved onto a chair. I moved through breath awareness techniques in
different parts of her body, with sounds, but the only thing that really did
anything was talking her through vipassana mediation on her frustration,
anger and discomfort. She finally settled and stopped shaking. Eventually
though her mind focused back onto her discomfort.

I’ve recommended an Ayurvedic practitioner who can help her with diet and
herbs. I have tried most to focus on the emotional reactions she is having
to this condition which is changing her life. I’ve given her the JFS and
the Indra Devi Arthritis diet Different breath techniques (breathing into
back body, breathing a Vata balancing breath into pelvis, progressive
relaxation and a couple of others.) As I said only the vipassana mediation
seemed useful. Is there anything you can offer to help? Thank you and hug,

Focusing on vata is good as you are doing. Vipassana is great ideal is
to get her into regular meditation and contemplation of end of life issues.
Reading Tibetan Book of Living and Dying or Ram Dass Still Here Now and
other such literature. I would not necessarily focus on trying to make her
comfortable but rather face the reality of life’s situation. Constipation
needs addressing so she can find a formula that really works consistently.
I suggest Turkey Rhubarb formula from Herb Finder 800-780-6934. or better is
to find a practitioner who can personalize formula for her needs. Namaste

I will see if she is open to the reading. I would like her to be more
comfortable so she can actually breathe for awhile. And I also appreciate
that the vipassana was helpful to her. Let’s see how I can be there for
her. Love you lots, T

Good comments. Breathing for a while always creates comfort.
Balancing vata always balances the prana, always makes relaxation, always
makes stress go down, and always makes for transitions to be easier. They
all tie together, so one can use any approach to create any of the other
factors to change the life situation. Surrendering to a higher power,
counselor, yoga teacher is good and will relieve stress but to Divine
Presence is much more nurturing to connect to