Pelvic eval

Q - I did an evaluation on a friend and found that her internal hip rotation was limited, more on left then right; her external hip rotation was normal and even on both sides. Her left TFL showed signs of weakness with a muscle test and her left Gluteus medius kicked in immediately when doing left side hip extension (prone) muscle test.

Also her pelvic height was higher on the left. Am I correct in coming to the conclusion with all that data that her left TFL is tight (she is also having some internal pain in her pelvic region and is seeing a urologist)? OR should I not be trying to come to any conclusions at all right now, so early into the training, and just continue to practice on bodies?

Reaction of G. Med in hip extension is common with the posterior section of that muscle.

The latter position (continue to practice) is best to hold at this point. If internal hip rotation is limited it means the external hip rotators are tight. They prohibit motion of the motion. In same way as when hip flexion is lacking hamstrings are tight, also likelihood of hip flexors being weak.