Perceiving pranas

We have written back and forth about perceiving pranas before- you said you can teach me, but best to develop it on my own. It goes back to me not being able to distinguish between what is true at the moment and what is my agenda or mind playing. I had kind of given up on concentrating on this, thinking it would come when I was ready, but here it is again.

Is there any guidance you can offer, whether it be focusing on a specific tantric practice, or specific pranayamas I should be working with? Currently I practice the the shat karma kriyas in the AM with the kappalabhati breathing portion being much slower and meditative and the tatrak also being much longer and following prana, and shambavi bastrika in the PM off and on. I ask for guidance when working with someone or a class from Bhairavi or you, although not consistently, tho I recognize the guidance afterwards.

A: It all starts with my Tantra lessons. Learning how to feel prana body during yoni mudra and developing the skill to stay in touch with it as you do any yogic practice. It is more awareness than technique. Sequence to consider is merely for perception – where is prana, what is it doing, what is its name, is it doing what it should in its home region or doing its function out of home or wrong function at home. Once this is consistent they consider holding the intention sankalpa of balancing prana. Bringing them to their home by either directing it if you are a yogin? or following it if you are a Bhakti. Yoginis control and discipline themselves. Bhaktis surrender themselves to Divine as prana as the healing force.

I find that when I am working with someone I am more aware of what I am feeling in my body then I am aware of their prescence, or perceiving their prana. I don’t know if that is ideal.

        That is one method of doing it.  But you must be clear that you are perceiving their energy in your body not your energy in your body.  The latter is safer to watch how your energy is sympathetic or empathic with theirs.  Either way can work.