
New student showed for class this week. She has phlebitis. Her ankles are visibly swollen. I have done a little research on this topic and am looking for advice as to poses that may be inappropriate for her condition, and poses that may help alleviate it. Obviously, inversions would be beneficial to encourage return of blood to heart. Perhaps seated poses, especially Vajrasana and Sukhasana could be an issue as compression of lower extremities could irritate lack of circulation. Should I be concerned about risk of releasing a blood clot? Do you have any experience with this condition? I recommended that she discuss her desire to begin yoga practice with her doctor and let me know if he recommends any restrictions.

Namaste, C

This condition is described as inflammation of a vein, cause usually unknown. I have no experience with this condition and do not know about dangers of blood clotting. So I will ask my medical advisor yogi friends to comment. I would follow recommendations for diminishing pitta, and increase circulation as you have thought. Medical Dictionary recommends avoiding crossing legs, prolonged sitting, and poses you have cited are certainly to be avoided. I would suggest inversions and standing poses where legs are temporarily elevated might help. Be sure she is not smoking or other self-destructive behaviors that disrupt circulation and processing of feelings.