Piriformis syndrome and related

How can a person discern weather a painful condition on one side of the butt is relted to piriformis syndrome, sciatica, or yoga butt (def: inflammatory soft tissue condition often confused with sciatica - that follows the connective tissue from the sacrum to hamstring or vice-versa) - and effectively plan treatment.

My thought is that yoga butt is due to excessive hamstring stretching, and piriformis to excessive gripping or tight rotators. They both involve the sacrum, and they are in the same area - but I’m assuming take totally different treatment plans.

If recommending salabhasana and its variations to stabilize and strengthen, could it further the piriformis condition?

:-? Peace, Maria

Our job is not to diagnose. Hopefully one has DC, MD or PT to do that clarification for you. IF not then one has to go on where the client feels the trouble. Piriformis syndrome does not respond to yoga stretches except to get worse. In my experience it requires a bodywork tissue manipulation to alleviate. Unfortuntely that is not a good method of diagnosis but will help clarify if someone says this is their experience.
Yoga butt, which i never head the term by the way, is likely as you suggest excessive hamstring stretching affecting the connective tissue, i.e. the tendon at the ishial tuberosity. It responds best to laying off forward bends for 2 weeks or so and doing only backbends. Especially focus the stretches to psoas an other anterior thigh muscles particularly the quadriceps and adductors. Locust is a good idea. namaste mukunda