Pitta question

A question from S-
If I am a pitta, and if my pitta is very deranged (raging appetite, joints are hot and hurt, whole body is hot, irritability…) What are some ways I can adjust my pranayama, asana, meditation, and diet to come into balance fairly quickly?

This Message was edited by: Chandra on 2002-05-20 13:24

It is important to understand that we are all mixture of doshas. No one has a single dosha constitution, according to David Frawley. So your symptoms reveal an increase of pitta and a displacement as well. The ideal balance of pitta will result in belly being the warmest area of the body. This will lessen or eliminate other symptoms such as uncontrolled appetite. In terms of asana I recommend doing Sun Salutation slowly focusing your attention on the feelings of stretch. Hold each pose until you can identify where you feel the stretch them move on to next pose. While it is a pitta increasing series doing it in this way will begin to move pitta back home. Pranayama do wave breathing from top to bottom of abdomen on inhales and bottom to top on exhales, described more clearly in my book Structural Yoga Therapy, pg. 48-55. Meditation if you have not been initiated into a specific technique then it can be directed to inner light. If you have been given technique that has worked for you then connect to the presence of the teacher who gave you the method before attempting to go deeply. For dietary recommendations do an anti-pitta diet, see Prakruti by Robert Svododa.

Additional response came from Sarasvati Buhrman, director of the Rocky Mountain Institute of Ayurveda and Yoga, in Boulder -
Shitali pranayama (or any of its variants, sitkari, kaki mudra, or bhujangini mudra) will work to lower pitta. Avoid hot spices and sour foods, take sandalwood and add rose water to drinks. In this case Ayurveda will be a faster route to cure than yoga.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mukunda on 2002-04-25 11:40 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mukunda on 2002-04-25 11:40 ]</font>