Plantar fasciatis (more)

Just to let you know that I got plantar fasciatis just after Sita was born (I think it was aggravated by carrying her around for endless hours on my back)…Anyway as you say more stretching did not help. I went to our local chiropractor who treated it with some adjustments, mostly acupuncture and then suggested orthotics which I thought I’d give a try…anyway some or all of this worked after a few painful months. I also rolled my foot on a small ball and foot roller type thing. R.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: chris on 2002-04-27 16:58 ]</font>

Comment - Was looking for some additional info on plantar fasciatis and found this web site, which although sponsored for marketing orthopedics, seems to have good information and even an MRI image which was interesting, as well as some exercises which you or your student may be interested in looking at.

from C. in Tokyo

Thank you for comments. I appreciate the extra feedback and will pass this along to Q & A group.