Plantar fasciatis

Dear Mukunda, I have a student with plantar fasciatis. She is in much discomfort. Are there poses I can recommend?

Thanks, S

I find this condition does not respond to yoga asanas but sometimes to pranayama training to direct energy flow. Gentle progressive bodywork (cranial sacral and mild neuro-muscular technique) helps it sometimes it makes it worse (in that case acupuncture or other energy bodywork methods can help).

From an Ayurvedic perspective this symptom indicates an increase and/or displacement in pitta (fire/water elements of the body). Stretching increases pitta and is therefore contraindicated. Ideal is to do practices which diminish pitta and restore fire to its home region in the small intestine. When I have had students with this condition I recommend not foot focused asanas but rather pranayama training to direct energy flow. Sometimes gentle progressive bodywork (Craniosacral and mild neuromuscular technique) helps it; sometimes it makes it worse (in that case acupuncture or other energy bodywork methods can help).