Please Suggest a name for a Dead Bug pose

Some people do not like how this sounds…
I’m looking for a name that would reflect the purpose of the pose, but want be negative


hm I googled dead bug pose and got the happy baby pose! (As I know it, which is not the pose pictured above). I think it was only because of the product being sold.

You could call it “growing grass” or somesuch?

Maybe that’s part of the purpose of the pose? To bring forth something for people to observe about themselves? Would changing the name then potentially be doing them a disservice?

Ok, I’ll play your game :slight_smile:

My suggestion for the new name:

“Have a fucking emotional reaction to these words, observe yourself, and take some personal responsibility pose”

I have also heard it referred to as ‘happy baby pose’.

I do believe “happy baby pose” includes grasping the big toes with the first two fingers of each hand, and gives a nice hip flexor stretch. :slight_smile:

But - the more I think of it, the more I like “dead bug pose”, and why does a dead bug have to be considered negative? It gets a person to move their mind into a different place. Maybe a little offputting at the initial reaction, but I think most will adjust quickly, and can see the fun and joy in anything, even a dead bug. :slight_smile: Why avoid those things that seem “negative” or make us a little uncomfortable? Living life means moving out of the comfort zone. I personally prefer all the names. I mean, Savasana is “corpse pose” - doesn’t sound too encouraging! lol. But it helps me to visualize being so relaxed my body could be “dead”.

It is safe and neutral and authentic to use a Sanskrit name.

Call it “Matkut Shavasana”. Matkut is bug, shava is dead!:smiley:

[QUOTE=Suhas Tambe;42411]It is safe and neutral and authentic to use a Sanskrit name.

Call it “Matkut Shavasana”. Matkut is bug, shava is dead!:D[/QUOTE]

Thank you! I had problems to find a sanskrit name for this one!

"Happy Baby Pose" is the translation of the Sanskrit name, Ananda Balasana. Works for me. =)