
"You ask, “How can we know the Infinite?”

I answer, not by reason.

It is the office of reason to distinguish and define.

The Infinite, therefore, cannot be ranked among its objects.

You can only apprehend the Infinite by a faculty superior to reason,

by entering into a state in which you are your finite self no longer,

in which the Divine Essence is communicated to you.

This is Ecstasy.

It is the liberation of your mind from its finite consciousness." ~Plotinus

Well, this very thruth has been explained by Plotinus himself using the tool of human language, words, sintax; all these are pretty much based on our mental capacity called reason.

So while at a certain level one needs to abandon tools destined to a lower level of existence, on that level they are not only useful, but necessary tools of the journey towards the higher level. It is like, when we say … the coarse physical body is perishable, identification with it, is wrong. Than I say, if it is so, why don’t we just die than, and be done with it ? Why ? Because our current consciusness needs it, it is a very valuable tool in our earthly existence. It would be silly to discard it, at least until we have something else to base our consciusness on.
And so it is with reason, belonging to our mental body.
As yogis, we are not exonerated from reason, we are not exonerated from mental work, philosophy, discernement, clarity in thought. Not at all. You work your body, and you work your mind, you use them, until you need them no longer. But even sages need these as tools of their teaching. Like Plotinus …

Cerebral stimulation, I?m digesting your words but initial thought was; I?m not sure we need to abandon our earthly tools rather move back and forth between the infinite-finite, perhaps become skillful enough to exist absolutely, non-dualistically. Glimpses have always left me enthusiastic of my earthly existence. Your level of understanding, experience and sorting may be beyond my comprehension abilities at this point, thought motivating none the less.

Sure, you topped my wisdom by quite a lot. :slight_smile: Back and forth. Yes. Thanks.

Very nice :slight_smile: ,
thank you