Poem by a 12-year-old girl

Who am I?

Who am I not?

Who am I going to be?

I realize the difference between need and want.
Is this enough to save me?

poem by a 12-year-old girl

beautiful :slight_smile:

ask her to post these questions on Yahoo Answers or just check this site with an open mind GitaMrta: The Divine Necter of Bhagavad Geeta :slight_smile:

It took a 10 day fast (only unleaved bread and water) for me to arrive to this question, when I was 22. Than it did rise spontaneously. It is the basic question of human life.
When we turn 21 we think we are grownups. In reality, we, being God’s children, rarely grow up to be adults in God. Growing should never stop.

PS. Substitute to the word God, anything you like: Universe, Cosmos, Consciousness, Allah, Void, Guru, Mother, Father, Lover, whatever makes you tick, whatever you respect and look up to)


thank you

I wrote this poem when I was 12 years old. I wrote it for a poetry assignment for my 6th-grade Catholic school teacher; I received a moderate grade for it then. The girls who wrote about unicorns and basketball were given better grades than me. lol…Perhaps some of you have already guessed that I was considered a bit different (and odd) in this environment. I think this may be why I did not initially give my name as author here…it is curious how those wounds stay with you for so long.

Hubert: Your reply made me revisit what was happening in my own life at that time. I had just gotten my first moon, my mother was deep into her Masters program and I felt alone, my sister moved away for college, my brother had just gotten married and moved far away too, and I had my first spark of love for 16-year-old guy who was sweet to me and also respected that I was a young girl. What a simmering pot!

It is interesting how not only what is said is important, but also, by whom. Knowing the author, the poem appears in a totally new light. Before, it was just some girl. But now, it is Nichole, and that is a totally different ballgame. :slight_smile:

I do respect you a lot for who your are and now I know where do you come from. Thank you for sharing your early experiences. Now I can see the most interesting question of your post:

“I realize the difference between need and want.
Is this enough to save me?”

Hi Nicole,

I sense you know now Who AM I.

Quite Often i have pondered who am i.What is the aim of life. Is it to grow, study , get employed, get married, have kids, start the worries of educating them , bringing up them nicely,then there education , employment marriage … and the cycle repeat. I have often gazed into sky at night asking all these questions. Then i started yoga for my problem.Then one day a desire aroused in me to expore the lives of every great yogi siddha purush and I found the aim. Its He and He alone who can give us peace. Do all duties piously. Do good karmas, help every body and aspire for god realisation by Astanga,karma and gyana yoga(Knowledge of vedas and ones duty). Look after your elders and respect every body.True knowledge alone can kill sorrows and by reading the life of these yogis/rishis i have understood vedas and astanga yoga comes under immortal knowledge.No body has created it and no body can destroy it.

Now i am clear. We all have one father /mother who loves all of us equally but we fail to understand him and his mercy, who can not be destroyed.Why yogis rishis used to do hard tapasya to understand this eternal truth leaving aside all luxries of world.


Hi Nichole,
I just read your poem with delight. It is very thought provoking and inspired, and I just thought I would let you know that it is wonderful for someone as young as you to have thoughts about life in such an insightful way.