Poses for extra lumbar vertebra

From Hiyalah - I have a question…a student of mine has an extra lumbar vertebra. Movements that seem to stress his back are: side stretches, and swan dive (this is how we get down into the forward fold when we do the sun salute…and up again. ) How can i modify these poses for him? What recommendations would you make for someone with an extra lumbar vertebra? Thanks for your consideration

I would see if just a simple modification would relieve him. Can he do the poses without forward folding, in other words can he keep his abdomen extended rather than wrinkled? In all poses one of my key focal points is the spine should be lengthened. And I literally take a tape measure on the spine from sacrum to the occipital ridge to see what give the greatest length, if I am uncertain or if the student is lacking sensitivity to feel the length. In general I would encourage extend then backbend into cobra, locust, bow, etc. For forward bends the same and not collapse either the rectus abdominis or the psoas muscle.