Post by: Alix - Thread: the great enemy of truth

Alix has reported a post.


I’m reporting my own post because I was a bitch. I’m sorry David. I just had a snit and was too late to edit my original post. Delete all of my crap if you will. Sorry my friend.

Post: the great enemy of truth
Forum: Poetry and quotations
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Alix
Original Content:

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;38043]
In [B]Hinduism[/B] and Buddhism faith is seen as an infection of the mind. It is a terrible disease which weakens our intellect and leaves us vulnerable to the germs of ignorance and vice.
This is why I tell everybody to stick to evidence and never venture outside of evidence into faith and speculation.

Number one.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;38057]

I have not come across a single creationist argument for instance that stands the test of reason. Also it really depends what you mean by creationism? The usual creationist I see is one who argues that the [B]Abrahamic god[/B] has created the world as described in the bible, and they often oppose evolution and believe in a young earth. [/QUOTE] Number two.

You brought up both points at post #11 and post #13 of this thread. I’m tired of reading about this in every single thread. I avoided going into the religion section tonight as I felt the need for something less antagonistic and gentle. I deliberately clicked on a post by Nichole as something I felt would be either soothing or mildly thought provoking and instead found the same rhetoric being spewed once again.

David, my apologies. Please feel free to remove my rant. I came back to edit my original post as I felt it was too strongly worded and did not actually need to be shared, but I was too late and I’d already been quoted. Edit me at will and I accept any discipline you feel is warranted. [/quote]