Post by: InnerAthlete - Thread: Is a practice of Asana essential?

InnerAthlete has reported a post.



sorry to use this methodology…

can you make an edit for me please?

Can you change “does” to “does not” in paragraph two of my second post to the thread?

“…is reasonable dose actually make it so.”

Post: Is a practice of Asana essential?
Forum: General Yoga Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: InnerAthlete
Original Content:

A testament to the effectiveness of asana is one potential explanation, Adam. But I’m going to stir the pot a bit :slight_smile:

It seems very apparent that group-think or hive mind in our society often fails to have any basis in fact whatsoever. The fact that a bunch of lemmings all believe walking off a cliff (or that the world is flat) is reasonable does actually make it so.

Millions of people believed that smoking cigarettes was not harmful to health. Millions of people believed there were WMD’s in Iraq. Millions of people believe in prescription medication and surgical procedures. Is that a testament to the effectiveness of a medical paradigm with only two remedies?

So it is a possible answer but I don’t believe it’s a likely answer. What is more likely, in our current world, is that people, generally speaking, don’t get very far past the topsoil of anything that requires more than 45 seconds of attention.