Post by: kareng - Thread: Is the OT the most barbaric and savage scripture in the world?

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Post: Is the OT the most barbaric and savage scripture in the world?
Forum: Religion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: kareng
Original Content:

who says I cant take the shit? I’m just giving it back to you you little turd!

[QUOTE][QUOTE]This Cores thread called Little Situation

I was meant to appear at court yesterday for criminal charges made against me, but i got the dates mixed up and so it has come to my knowledge this morning that a warrant haas been issued for my arrest. ( the allegations made against me were made up ,by the way, though that is now beside the point)

And my solicitor just went on holiday today. Though she would probably just advise me to hand myself into local station though they tell me they have not received the warrant from the district court so i should wait till they do and get arrested in my flat.(‘waiting game’)

I don’t think i’ve broken any yamas or niyamas relating to this business apart from not being mindful of my court appearance dates, and not readily going with poilce when they arrived at my door insisting they had to arrest me 2 months back( i moved inside, in my bewildered state, not knowing what to do, saying ’ i don’t think so’ so they lumped police assault and other nonsense on top of heavy embelishement in their police report) But i am not guilty of charges made against me. Okay a new neighbour lied to police about me shouting out my window. Then i learnt about having missed my court appearance yesterday when said neighbour phoned police again this morning aleging i was kicking on her door , a day after i was meant to appear at court. The police then informed me i had misssed my court dateon the 8th. I thought it was the 10th, tommorrow. I had commincated this fear to my solicitor that the police would come again though that is obviouslynow beside the point.

Now i think a warrant will mean a prison sentence ( though probably small, months) is likely as i failed to attend court.

If struggle and hardship are necessary for one’s growth and evolution, as some yogi’s say, then perhaps you could pray for me ( or send out your cosmic energy or whatever you do) so that whatever difficulties i might need to face and benefit from, be perhaps made a little easier.

It might not be that bad (the police station was not comfortable 2 months back, especially with my current health being what it is) but who knows.

Thanks for praying for me, or sending good energy or whatever. It might help.

-Maybe Try to accept where i am now- Perhaps it’s a necessary/fruitful experience i can only benefit from.

Nothing but deception, you even got people wishing you well, how low…Tell me, did the poor woman stop you? Or was it the police that assured that? And you dare to quote spirituality!!

Oh and by the way, they don’t arrest you in Britain for kicking someones door and shouting out a window…your not kidding me pal!![/quote]