Post by: Melchizedek - Thread: I'm wondering, who here actually practices?

Surya Deva has reported a post.


Hey David,

I thought I would report this member, for being an idiot recently. He’s not really said anything to me, but hes gone around in several threads within the space of an hour and littered it one liner or 2 liners incoherent ramblings, hardly making any effort to contribute anything. I think he is unnecessarily littering the forum and bringing the quality down.



Post: I’m wondering, who here actually practices?
Forum: Spirit’s Path
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Melchizedek
Original Content:


I have seen me. Have you seen you?

Your crass trash is weak, baseline. Can you not read? Can you comprehend?
Are you approaching human?
I will answer for you.


Do it again.