Post by: Melchizedek - Thread: I'm wondering, who here actually practices?

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I thought I would report this one too to show what an idiot this member is being.

Post: I’m wondering, who here actually practices?
Forum: Spirit’s Path
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Melchizedek
Original Content:

[QUOTE=ZenGuy;81226]We’ve probably never met. But I’ve met many masters of the Zen and yoga traditions. Now, I’ve been around the block for a long time now. (I met my first Zen master in the 70’s and my first Yoga master in the 80’s.) The one thing that I’ve found in common with all of them was their courtesy and kindness and, yes, their total lack of egomania. And I’ve learned long ago not to get into any question and answer games with anybody who thinks that they already have all the answers. That’s why I never argue with fundamentalists. You’ll have better luck arguing with a brick wall.

But here’s a question for you. Before you edited your post, you called me a “dip shit.” (Your original reply said, “I have seen me. Have you dip shit?”) Have you decided that I’m no longer a dip shit or, is it possible, that in your state of sublime wisdom and attainment, you may have initially misjudged me? I will eagerly await your enlightened reply.

Your a dip shit.

I decided to be nice and removed it.

Anyone can fake it.


the question is mr. 'ive been at it soo long."

HAVE YOU SeEn you?

thats the question[/quote]