Post by: nena1234 - Thread: Aim

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Post: Aim
Forum: General Yoga Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: nena1234
Original Content:

Do you want to realize your AIMS in the shortest term? Do you like to see how the mosaic of events and people are setting in the most favorable way? Please enjoy the wonderful touch of practical magic.

In many ways our minds are very similar to computers. In a computer you have hardware and software. The software is all our thoughts, feelings, memories and beliefs, as well as our basic innate intelligence. Just like with a computer, we start with our operating system: in this case, the programming for our basic body functions and the underlying intelligence that allows the system to function and accumulate knowledge. Unlike a computer, there are many more basic functions built into our operating system. In fact, all that we need to function well in life is already part of our operating system.

The instruction could be read aloud or silently one time, including the phrases ?Instruction for the Sub-Consciousness Mind? and ?End of instructions.? Please be aware that you need to learn ?Merge?, ?Clap?, ?Hoppo?, ?Execute It? processors before the use of the techniques.

Resource: I’m master who have decade of experience showing solutions to get rid from their problems personally and professionally.