Post by: Nichole - Thread: A Humble Request for Your Prayers and Blessings for Mukunda Stiles

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i wanted to be sure that you saw this. david, mukunda is very sick. he has been unwell for a few years now, but since december 2010, it has progressed quickly.

Post: A Humble Request for Your Prayers and Blessings for Mukunda Stiles
Forum: General Yoga Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Nichole
Original Content:

Dear Yoga Forum Friends and Readers,
Some of you share with me the tremendous privilege of studying with Yogi Mukunda Stiles. Mukunda created Structural Yoga Therapy and offered his training programs around the world. Most of you likely know of him from his books, [I]Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: With Great Respect and Love[/I]; [I]Structural Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the Individual[/I] and [I]Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy[/I].

And if not through SYT or his books, then this forum is what we all have in common with Mukunda and each other. was begun in 2002 by one of Mukunda’s students as a means to share his teachings. The first few hundred threads of this forum are “question and answer” emails compiled from years of correspondence with his clients and students. You can still find his threads and posts in the earlier pages of this forum. I encourage you to look for them there, or search for him by his username, [I]Mukunda;[/I] as each is filled with a deeper understanding and practice of Yoga than many of us get to see in our lives.

Mukunda is seriously ill with an undiagnosed illness. He is being treated by some of the best doctors available to him in California, and others who are flying in to serve him. These doctors and healers are offering him treatments for both the gross and the subtle bodies, within the modern medical system and the ancient systems of Yoga and Ayurveda. He is responding to some, but is still loosing weight and pranic vitality, and is now using oxygen intermittently. Mukunda is comfortable and at great peace with what is being given to him; and he is seeks wholeness and health in whatever form is given to him by the Divine Mother.

His students are organizing a prayer circle for Mukunda this Saturday, April 9 at 1:00–1:30 PM E.S.T… Please adjust for your time zone and join us in prayer for Mukunda’s health and wholeness. You are invited to use this prayer of surrender to the Divine Mother, which Mukunda and Chinnamasta, his wife and consort, repeat daily:

[COLOR=#000000][I] •
[/I]Divine Mother,
[/COLOR]We offer ourselves to Thee[COLOR=#000000]
to do and work with us as Thy will.

Release us from our suffering,
so that we may better do Thy will.

Take away our difficulties,
so the victory over them bears witness to those we serve.

Of Thy Love, power and Thy way of Life
May we always, always do Thy will.[/COLOR]

So, you may this prayer, or chant the [I]Mahamrityunjaya Mantra[/I], or use any other way of sending healing energy to Mukunda that feels appropriate to you. Please use what has the most healing energy available and heart connection for you; As always, this is most important when the intention is to bless another with our prayers.

As a deeply devotee student of Mukunda, I offer you my truest and most heartfelt gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sharing in this with me, and with all of those who will join us. Please send your best and highest to him, now and during our prayer circle, as well as after. I am including a photo of him for those you desire this while praying for him.

With my great respect and love,