Post by: Nichole - Thread: Mukunda Stiles ? February 24, 1949 - February 18, 2014

Nichole has reported a post.


I have been asked to remove the attached poster by Mukunda’s wife. Can you please do that for me and also remove the ps from my post?

I am unsure what the issue may be, but it would be kind of you to remove my behalf.

Thank you!

Post: Mukunda Stiles ? February 24, 1949 - February 18, 2014
Forum: General Yoga Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Nichole
Original Content:


Mukunda Stiles

February 24, 1949 - February 18, 2014

My dear teacher, has left his body. Some of the long timers here will remember that was first started by a student of Mukunda’s as a way to share his individual email correspondence with the larger community of Structural Yoga Therapy (SYT) students. It was to be a learning and collaborative tool for the SYT community, as well as the chance to share Yoga therapy and Yoga Sadhana with any seeker who landed on it’s pages.

The forum has changed hands several times now, and the scope has long been wider than just SYT, but you can still find the early gems of Mukunda’s teaching, and the foundation of the forum here in Mukunda Stiles: Yoga Therapy Q&A. Search there, if you are looking.

Your own,

ps You must be logged in to see the attached poster. I just discovered this myself.