Post by: omshanti - Thread: Hijackers of the Holy KRIYA YOGA

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Hijackers of the holy kriya thread post # 252 which lists teachers/gurus as charlatans is offensive. Kriya teacher # 4 has asked if this post can be removed or his name deleted from this. I am one of his kriya students.

The OP was once a student and dear friend of Ashok Singh. They had a heated argument about why the OP was doing whatever he felt like and not following the guru’s techniques. They parted company and OP is now slandering.

Post: Hijackers of the Holy KRIYA YOGA
Forum: Spirit’s Path
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: omshanti
Original Content:

‘The Guru Games’
As presented by Morgan

This will be 3-part installment. This first part is basically just a list of names of charlatans that I have investigated in the flesh, myself. Something worth noting is that every single one of them acknowledged my ‘kundalini’ power and spiritual awareness. I only tell you this so that you know I was never in bad rapport with these people, they all wanted me to come play on their team, so to speak. Since I was merely seeking equals, I never lost myself in some self-effacing search for a leader. That small but important detail is what makes this information come alive.

I will be posting this report over the next few weeks on this thread (“Hijackers…”)

  1. SRF Organization - Worldwide
  2. Shibendu Lahiri – India/Traveling
  3. Dharmendra Vats – India
  4. Ashok Kumar Singh – USA
  5. Ashoke Chatterjee – India
  6. Shri Mataji of Sahaja Yoga
  7. Swami Rama and the Himalayan Institute
  8. Don Miguil Ruiz and Carlos Castaneda
  9. Eckhart Tolle

I am currently working on editing this report, but I wanted to post this list of charlatans so that the young and innocent may keep their guard up and retain their sanity. Do not waste your time or money on any of these people/companies. The material they hoard and exploit can be found elsewhere and shared for free amongst all of God’s children.

Om Swa Ha
Om Shanti
Om Shiva
Jai Shiva

*These opinions and views are mine and I do not expect or want anyone to think I am trying to dissuade them from pursuing what they want. On the contrary, I really do not care what happens to you. So take everything you hear with a grain of salt, or a spoonful or sugar; whichever you please.