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I believe that your Yoga practice which mostly includes asanas belongs to Yoga tradition … hatha Yoga, asthanga, etc. But other forms of exercises you want to do seems to be targated at toning of certain muscles and seems to belonging to any of … aerobics, pilates, etc. Hence it is recommended to do those exercises, aimed at toning up the specific muscles like abs, etc., at the last. Make sure to do number of repetitions and sets that challenges you but do not cause strain. In some cases, such a muscle need to be re-stretched with an asanas or simple exercise, if they are causing stiffness, soreness and other forms of strains even after regular practice of 7 days.
Post: Before or after, which is better?
Forum: General Yoga Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: SCMT
Original Content:
I have been doing a short yoga routine in the morning to get me energized, nothing really strenuous, probably the most strenuous things in it is Warrior 1 and Cobra pose. And it is only about 20 to 30 minutes long.
Well I decided I had a little extra time so I decided to do some Abs work as well; Crunches, full sit-ups, leg raises, boat pose and plank.
I did this before the yoga routine and I have done this after and I have felt pretty good both ways, not the same, but pretty good.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to where this should be put, before or after.