Post by: Surya Deva - Thread: Jnana Marga: Path of Knowledge

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he keeps throwing personal attacks at me

Post: Jnana Marga: Path of Knowledge
Forum: Spirit’s Path
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Surya Deva
Original Content:

This is why I say people like you can never be anybodies friend. If who you call a friend is based on whether they belong to your group or not or agree with your ideology, then you will never have any lasting friends.

You consider yourself a deeply religious Hindu, but you have not developed any of the qualities that your religion preaches: the noble qualities of an Aryan. This is why I said to you recently reading fairytale stories of gods and demons and performing rituals feeding milk to statues of elephants and monkey gods has not made a single difference to cultivating your character and mind. Hence, why I say your Hinduism is worthless. No matter how many mythological stories you read, how many temples you go to pilgrimage on, how many times you ring the bells and light the oil lap at the altar of your god, it will make no difference to cultivating you character and mind and awakening your divine nature - your humanity.
This is why the Jnana path is needed. You have missed the point of Hinduism so far and it shows in your character.