Post by: TatTvamAsi - Thread: Why are Yoga & Hinduism Classes Taught by non-Hindus (mlecchas)?

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"He was not a Hindu, but a Christian. How on earth can a mleccha (an untouchable) be allowed to learn, let alone teach, Hinduism? It is the greatest tragedy of recent times.

The same can be said about Yoga. Of course, the yoga classes in the west are absolute nonsense unless taught by an Indian/Hindu guru but that is not known to the wider public. They think any yoga “teacher” will suffice. In fact, this has led to theft of yoga like ‘Christian Yoga’ and ‘Jewish Yoga’.

How could a non-Hindu/non-Indian be allowed to learn and practice, and far worse, “teach”, yoga? "

(This post is not only rude it is racist. If he posted how could a Indian Black or Jew be allowed to learn and practice, and far worse, “teach”, yoga it would be removed so remove it.)

That or don’t remove any post. But since you’ve made the call in the past your honour is on the line.

Post: Why are Yoga & Hinduism Classes Taught by non-Hindus (mlecchas)?
Forum: Religion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: TatTvamAsi
Original Content:

This is a question that has rankled my mind for the past 10 years.

When I was doing my undergraduate work at a university in the US, I took a class on Hinduism and the professor was a westerner who was doing his Ph.D. in Sanskrit at UC Berkeley.

My first thought was, “What does this guy know about Hinduism?”

He was not a Hindu, but a Christian. How on earth can a mleccha (an untouchable) be allowed to learn, let alone teach, Hinduism? It is the greatest tragedy of recent times.

The same can be said about Yoga. Of course, the yoga classes in the west are absolute nonsense unless taught by an Indian/Hindu guru but that is not known to the wider public. They think any yoga “teacher” will suffice. In fact, this has led to theft of yoga like ‘Christian Yoga’ and ‘Jewish Yoga’.

How could a non-Hindu/non-Indian be allowed to learn and practice, and far worse, “teach”, yoga? Why aren’t the sAStrAs followed and tradition maintained? Kali Yuga is known for degradation of Sanatana Dharma and rise of asuric tendencies (non-Hindu) but is it this bad?

Going back to the first issue of non-Hindus/non-Indians teaching Hinduism, it is something that has to change ASAP. There must be huge protests and demonstrations that must require mlecchas to leave the halls of Hindu academy.

If you take Jewish Studies department, would you find any Muslim cleric as the head of the department? Would you find any Muslim as a “professor of Judaism” in any university? What about Islamic Studies? Are there Jews teaching Islam? Same goes for Christianity. How many non-Christians are teaching and leading departments of Christain Studies?

Why are Hindus allowing such nonsense to continue? In fact, we have filth like that fat Wendy Doniger, a jew, at Univ. of Chicago who is considered a ‘scholar’ (lol… a mleccha thinks it’s a scholar :D) on Hinduism. Animals like her and that turd Michael Witzel should be serving tea to Hindus in the universities. Instead, they are thought of as “professors of Hinduism”. Oh, the travesty!

Hindus must take control of the discourse, both public, private, and academic, on Hinduism, India, and anything related to that including Yoga. We now have idiot mlecchas in the west who are trying to separate Yoga from Hinduism. It isn’t too late to correct this.

Thankfully, some good Hindus like Rajiv Malhotra are already doing it; he is the founder of Infinity Foundation which is a pro-Dharmic think-tank based in Princeton.

There needs to be a more concerted effort in order to make sure that Hinduism studies is in the domain of Hindus, not untouchables.