Surya Deva has reported a post.
Repeated personal attacks. I excused him the first few times, but he continues to use foul language and call me a “wanker”
Post: Vivekananda explains the idea of renunciation as follows.
Forum: Poetry and quotations
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: teitan
Original Content: are just a wanker.Missing the point! Yoga is about integrating buddy not escaping from the world .I live in america not in India.You are to cut up in mystical crap.Jesus Christ was a perfect Yoga and he came to live among the people not just go and hide in a mountain.rites dont mean shit all the work is done in the temple of your self.You dont know shit about tantra either.Thats why you cant put it together with the example of Ramakrishna.Renounsing doest not mean to destroy the bodies only to control the needs of it and by the way I gave you other example of a house holder that is a pretty good yogi but it seems that you dont know shit about him.Well go to my previews thread and get it cause I wont repeated lets see who is the lazy that dont even read properly before writing a respond .You dont know me but base on your pseudo mystical bala bla bla ( not to accurate knowledge) I can see that you are a professional wanker and a 24 years old are not a messenger you are just a parrot trained in read and spit the few things that your automatic brain can hold for few minutes.