Hello Mukunda,
I have a student who is about to have a hysterectomy. She’s been coming to class for several years. She is very strong in the limbs but not in the abdomen or pelvic floor muscles – although I have been encouraging her to work on mula and uddiyana bandha. I have suggested that she begin gentle setu bandha – just curling up the tailbone to start with, after her op. I see on www.yogaforums.com that you recommend m and u. bandhas post-hysterectomy. I am also a little concerned about her mental state, I sense that (understandably) she feels that this operation represents and end. She says things like, “I don’t suppose I’ll ever do yoga again.” Do you have any other post-op advice I can pass on to her? Thanks as always for all the thoughtful advice. And isn’t it wonderful to be able to help so many people! K
Obviously she needs to know that many other women have this procedure and life continues beyond it. She might send a letter to esutra@aol.com and ask for women to write to her who have gone through this procedure. This group is a free support group and offers similar questions and answers though the responds to questions are anyone from the group though Leslie Kaminoff facilitates it. Getting emotional courage to continue life can often come from a strong support community. If she doesn’t have one in her yoga community at home, then reaching out to the larger community may provide what is needed.
There are plenty of yoga practices to strengthen her. Your suggestion is one of the foremost to give. I do a variation of this called rolling bridge described in my book. I would also encourage her to do boat pose and variations with legs bent, open and wide. Strengthening the hip flexors and abdominals is also important.