Post to Forum - or Email?

Do you post these questions on www.yogaforums? or should I ask these questions there? How would you like it to work? Please let me know how it is easiest for you. Thanks again

You can do either way. If you are looking at the site and have questions, you can ask them there and I will respond from that site. If they are coming out of life then you can ask through email and I will respond in due time. The answers all ultimately wind up on the site.


I highly recommend always posting directly to the Q&A forum unless it’s of a private nature that you don’t want put on the forum.

Currently I manually re-input all of Mukunda’s mailing list to the forum and the more that questions are directly posted, the better! Also, I have to make a best guess at the most appropriate posting title - and that’s really best left to the author. So please do register and participate directly. Mukunda is checking and answering!

Of course, there’s always the added benefit of participating in any “General Yoga” discussions that may be taking place as well.
