Potential Future Teacher

As I am finding my footing with the Fitness and Well-being industries, my love for yoga has grown over the last 18 months since I started.

However due to me being a man at the age of 24, who had never been involved in anything flexible and had a reasonably high lean muscle mass, I am not terrible flexible.

I’ve improved and learnt many things, but there are some exercises where I am very far behind many of the women students in the class.

I however know my love for yoga is strong and I know I am going to do it for the rest of my life.

My question is though, are there successful yoga teachers out there that you know of who aren’t hugely flexible?

Yeah, me.
OH WAIT, you said ‘successful’.
This question makes me think of this yoga journal event audio thing that Rod Stryker did, where he talks about the role of mastery of asana, which you can listen to here.

You have to be able to somewhat show your students poses. I cannot do scorpion for instance so I wouldn’t teach it. You can become more flexible with time especially in a teacher training! I suggest you take the teacher training start a self practice and become more flexible. You have strength I assume which will help you a lot to become flexible. Football players have to be able to do the splits, if they can you can too :slight_smile:

Of course you can be a teacher. Ive taken classes from Yogi’s that one would not called flexible or even all that great at yoga, but if you are passionate about what your doing and you care about the work you do, you will be a fine teacher.