Practices during pregnancy

my name is Boaz and I’m an Ashtanga yoga teacher in Israel. I read your book (Structural Yoga Therapy) and participated in some classes of Charlotte in New-Jersey and was impressed by both. Ihope in the future to get better aquainted with your system, I see it is very important, since people do get injured in practice and others arrive to yoga with injuries.
I would like to ask your advice on 2 matters:

  1. I have a student who is 3 months pregnant- is it problematic to do Kriyas and Bandhas? If yes at what stages of the pregnancy should she be more cautious? Are there any other things to be cautious about?

after first trimester changes need to be made in program. no more uddiayana or kriyas. Most other practices need modification as time goes one, such as asanas that are strong back bends should be made milder or eliminated. The guidelines depend on whether student has been long term yogini or just starting with her pregnancy. The former has less retrictions the latter many more. The former should know what her body needs from experience of what they do to her. The latter needs to ask outside sensitivity which is always less than her own. Though in this case without training she is vulnverable and you need to protect her and baby. More details can be found in Nawa Yogini Tantra by Bihar School of Yoga is best for women. there are many other average yoga book with guides for pregnancy. namaste mukunda