We have to start with Pranayama or with Assana in beginning ?
Interesting question and odd formulation since there’s no context provided. For example we are left to pnder whether you’re asking about Wednesday morning’s practice or the very beginning of one’s yoga life. In future it would be infinitely more helpful to reveal more of what you are asking.
In the meantime, the beginning of the practice, as it is generally accepted though rrely followed, is along the eight limb path set out by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra. Ergo one neither starts with pranayama nor asana. Instead one begins with Yama and Niyama. Once firmly steeped in those ten precepts then asana and pranayama.
Generally speaking I do not start a daily practice with pranayama unless there’s a solid reason for doing so. Pranayama falls toward the end of my practice preceding savasana.
As for a daily practice … its design is based on intent or context. For example it would be fine to begin a daily practice with a CALMING pranayama to demarcate the transition from daily life to yoga practice and to settle, ground, and root the practitioner before asana.
It is also appropriate to end with a calming pranayama, assuming one can make a gradual, gentle, and unfettered transition beck into their “normal” world. Gentle pranayama soothes the nervous system and it would be jarring to have a ringing phoce, doorbell, car horm etc just after such a practice
thank you very much for your answer but i have met some Guru who teach pranaya in begining and then asana . any way thanks for your reply
You’re welcome.
Dear sir/ madam
I would like to know Can i start yoga and then teacher training when i am 46 year old ? .I Am very much interested to learn yoga / meditation theraphy etc. can some one suggest me which is prefect for em to leran and become good yogi .
Thanks and regards
This should be a thread unto itself, not combined in with this thread.
For any physiological function it is always preferable to go for warm up first so asanas or simply walk are always preferable because these will make you alert, awake and aware easily, especially if you are practicing early morning. For example Bhastrika and Kapalbhati are very active kind of pranayama and need very active physical condition. In ashtang yoga sequence is like this:
Yama > Niyam > Asana > pranayama > Pratyahar > Dharna > Dhyan > Samadhi
Having said that suppose you are doing any other mild kind of pranayama any other time of day (except early morning) then you can simply do that too with or without asana.