I need an urgent advise about pranayama.
I am suffering from acid reflux(GERD). This is mostly related to vata dosha and vagus nerve weakness. . To cure this, among other things
I been practicing the following pranayama and build up slowly to the following level and sequence
Deep breathing - 21 breaths
Anuloma Viloma - 3 rounds , 5 breath each nostril
Brahmari - 21 breaths
Bhastrika - 3 rounds, 10 breaths each, low pumping
Kapalaphati - 3 rounds , 5 breaths each, low pumping
Last week while doing Brahmari I started sweating. Latern on after Pranayama when i started doing Heart(Hrudaya Mudra) my heart beat went up and slight breathing issues.
Now even few deep breaths makes me sweat and other ones I cannot do as pressure builds up in the head.
I stopped all pranayama. Please advise me how to start is again ?
Thank you so much