Pranayama question - focus on IN or EX first?

Hi guys

In the Heart of Yoga, Desikachar writes, that in practising pranayama, focus should be on the exhalations first. And that the duration of the exhalation should be equal to or longer than the inhalations in all pranayama. The theory being that you can’t refill a glass with fresh water until the glass is empty.

Mark Stephens, in Teaching Yoga, suggests that we should start with extending inhalation first.

Does anyone have anything to share about the different approaches?


So if you inhale first there is no fill with fresh water in that theory , but then what happens when one exhale through the next nostril and then inhale fully, is the glass not empty at that point to be filled? Theories are just theories.

I kinda agree with fakeyogis. There are alot of theories out there.

I would find a teacher you trust and follow the instructions they give you.

But I do have a question for you- what feels best to you? Have you tried them both?

Thanks for your responses. I’ve tried both and I don’t detect a difference.

If you are talking about Anuloma and Viloma then it is advised to start with left inhalation first because it activates parasympathetic nervous system.