Pranyama difficulty

Hi all,
When practising anuloma viloma (alternate nostril breathing) i come across the same problem every time, just wonderd if its common to others.

My nose is always completly blocked on one side! I blow it but it seems to remain very difficult to breath through. It’s usually the right side but occaisipnaly the left.

Any tips much appreciated.

Use a yoga danda.
It works wonders.

Hey Dog,

Try a neck warm up before pranayama: chin up and down, turning side-to-side, ear-to-shoulder, coordinated with in/out breath. Otherwise, try jala and then sutra neti.


[QUOTE=siva;81172]Hey Dog,

Try a neck warm up before pranayama: chin up and down, turning side-to-side, ear-to-shoulder, coordinated with in/out breath. Otherwise, try jala and then sutra neti.



I will add.

Perform the retenions without strain to “clarify the channels”

Locks “are an advanced technicque”

once you are established in this then surya bedhana

A yoga danda I have read is placed under the armpit of the clear nostril and somehow brings them into balance and clears the other side. I have ordered one so will give it ago!

Surya bedhana I will read about.

Many thanks all :slight_smile:

If you lie on your side with the blocked nostril uppermost this can help to clear it…or whilst doing ANB place your hand in the arm-pit of the blocked side and this can also help.

This may mean using the left hand to close the nostrils during ANB and I appreciate that for some people this is culturally inappropriate.

Unless one has sinus issues or plain cold,its nature’s own system of balance to partially deactivate one nostril at a time. The left and right nostrils exchange energy wih the vibrations of ida and pingala respectively. They alternate in activity in one-and -half hour cycles. It would be wiser to go with that than fight it. Eventually, one even stops using ida and pingala and access sushumna instead. Then blocked nostrils are almost redundant.

That brings up another question, why one MUST have a clear nostril in pranayama? It is ayama = control/regulation of prana= cosmic energy. What is breathed in and out is ‘air’ that carries some prana, but is not equal to prana. A blocked nose is a hurdle for passing in & out of air, but not for prana.

When one concentrates on the very subtle energy, the volume of air drawn in becomes of secondary importance. It is far more important to grow awareness of the subtle prana and to bring in a rhythm as a precursor to prana regulation.


No disrespect, but is not what you say here, “wiser to go with it,” antithetical to yoga?

Yes, nature’s own system alternates the cycle, but its balance does NOT occur naturally (unless one is already a perfect specimen). It is restored and maintained through hatha/pranayama, and has more to do with resistance than volume: regulation and balance being effected by obstruction or size of the apertures.

Unfortunately, imbalance IS the norm, and that is proven everyday by what effectively becomes premature death. While most will “go with” this premature death, yoga suggests an alternative.

We are truly blessed to have freedom of balance in both nostrils, ask anyone with chronic congestion. When not, we must take steps to remove obstruction, open closure, purify, change diet, etc. It’s why we have a sutra neti, for example. It’s why we have yoga.



Thanks for pointing out my misstatement.

I wanted to bring into focus the subtle aspects of prana control than engaging with physical methods to work on blocked nostrils. (like the “armpit” technique.) Also to point out difference between breathing air and exchange of prana.

My apology if I sounded ‘going with it’ like not doing anything.


Well, I have some news. I ordered the yoga danda and have used it once. I was amazed at how well it worked. As usual I was completly blocked on one side.
I placed it under the armpit of the clear side (feeling a bit skeptical I must admit) then within a few minutes the blocked side had cleared. I felt able to get full benefits of alternate nostril breathing.

I hope it continues to work as good as it did this once. It must be more than luck.

Blessed be

It will work 95% of times.



No disrespect, but is not what you say here, “wiser to go with it,” antithetical to yoga?

This is a simplification of Hatha practice isn’t it? To control, instead of accept what is actually your physical and mental state? Or am I mistaking ‘control’ with challenging your current physical and mental state?

The Sivananda Companion to Yoga says that a really healthy person breathes predominantly through the left nostril.:wink:
