Pregnancy issues

I am 5 months pregnant with twins. This is my third pregnancy. I was extremely ill for the first three months and couldn’t do any sort of physical activity. I lost a great deal of strength and flexibility.

A few weeks ago at my ultrasound, I needed to lie on my left side so the technician could see one of the fetuses. I twisted my upper body to see what was on the screen, and since then I have felt what I can only describe as a pulled muscle over my pubic bone, parallel to the floor. I can do the Joint Freeing Series without discomfort (with the exception of #7), but any of the asanas that require me to separate my legs from each other is very uncomfortable (e.g., Janu Sirsasana or Baddha Konasana). Since the rest of my practice has to be so limited now, this is very frustrating. Walking can also be excruciatingly uncomfortable. The only thing that has given me any relief right now is tylenol and some massage, but I’m worried that contractions may make this worse.

Also, at 9 weeks, my bloodwork showed mild levels of elevated thyroid activity. The theory was that this due more to my double pregnancy than a thyroid condition, but since then I have noticed some symptoms that might be part of such a conditon, such as an elevated resting heart rate, lower extremity stiffness and itchy skin. I hope I am wrong, but if there is a thyroid condition, are there any asanas I could do to relieve it? I know Plough and Shoulderstand are, unfortunately, out of the question.

Thank you,


Deb - It sounds from your description that you might have strained or pulled an adductor muscle, they attach to the pubic region. And when they stretch they permit the legs to separate. Most likely it is the pectineus muscle. I would recommend that you practice pelvic tilts mildly as well as rolling bridge pose from the book page 166-169. Do them as described there then gradually widen the knees while keeping the feet hip width. You want to feel the tone in the gluteal muscles with not a strong stretch but some sensation in the groin.
AS far as practices for harmonizing thyroid as you know long supported shoulderstand or variations such as legs up the wall with pelvis elevated are the key poses to do. An experienced yoga therapist could modify those for you while monitoring the fetuses through Ayurvedic pulse and energy assessment. As an alternate one can do supported bridge pose with padding to hold your pelvis elevated at a height that you can tolerate. also one can visualize the thyroid and “send it love and light” as Indra Devi says. This can most certainly help, visualizations have been shown to help endocrine system functions. Blessings. Mukunda

Deb - It sounds from your description that you might have strained or pulled an adductor muscle, they attach to the pubic region. And when they stretch they permit the legs to separate. Most likely it is the pectineus muscle. I would recommend that you practice pelvic tilts mildly as well as rolling bridge pose from the book page 166-169. Do them as described there then gradually widen the knees while keeping the feet hip width. You want to feel the tone in the gluteal muscles with not a strong stretch but some sensation in the groin.
AS far as practices for harmonizing thyroid as you know long supported shoulderstand or variations such as legs up the wall with pelvis elevated are the key poses to do. An experienced yoga therapist could modify those for you while monitoring the fetuses through Ayurvedic pulse and energy assessment. As an alternate one can do supported bridge pose with padding to hold your pelvis elevated at a height that you can tolerate. also one can visualize the thyroid and “send it love and light” as Indra Devi says. This can most certainly help, visualizations have been shown to help endocrine system functions. Blessings. Mukunda

Thank you very much Mukunda. It’s funny- I’ve instinctively been doing pelvic tilts and thrusts before I begin my practice, whether it’s just Savasana or includes the Joint Freeing Series. I have to be a little bit careful, however, as my left sacroiliac joint has been making loud popping noises- an interesting sound, but not worth causing myself any more instability down the road. I think Rolling and Supported Bridges will work- thank you again!
