Pregnancy yoga practices

Dear Mukunda:
I hope you are well. I have found out that I am recently pregnant. This was why I was not able to attend the Feb. training session in NY. Because of this, I would like the opportunity to start the training again come 2006. However, if my health is in order, I do plan to attend the sessions in NY, but pay you by the weekend. I hope you are understanding of this situation and will permit me this alternative means of studying your course material. I would still like to be kept on the mailing list for the NY group if that is ok.

On another note, I am wondering about the Joint Freeing Series (JFS), and if that would be good for me to do the length of my term. I understand that during pregnancy, your joints tend to soften as well as the surrounding tissues and ligmants and want to keep my body in the best shape possible.

Definitely JFS is fine to do throughout pregnancy. Working sometimes for strength but mostly for circulation softer effort will serve you well. In general continue to do all pelvic opening you can especially would recommend the regular practice of the series called Optimizing Strength and Mobility chapter 17. That series is great for hip openings.
Do as long as you can in pregnancy and modify it as you near the third trimester. Namaste Mukunda