Premature Ventricular Contractions

At the last Structural Yoga Therapy training, I had asked for your insight into a problem my wife has had for a long time. In medical terminology, she was found to have Premature Ventricular Contractions of her heart. The condition started in 1988 and has continued since. What she experiences on a daily basis (but randomly) is a feeling of “negative pressure” or a “sucking in” sensation. When several occur in succession, she feels a need to take a deep breath. This can be quite frightening for her. Stress will aggravate the condition, yet she can experience symptoms under seemingly no stress. She states that she always feels pressure in her chest. She has a significant left lumbar-right thoracic kyphoscoliosis that she refused bracing for as an adolescent.

The condition started at a very difficult time in our life and marriage. Through God’s grace, we have been able to work through most of the issues and circumstances under which the condition developed-yet it remains. She now feels her main stresses are work related. She is a Director of Cardiovascular Marketing, which translates to an unending workload with unrealistic deadlines and long hours (60 hour weeks are the norm). She tries to balance work with being a wife and mother.

She feels “sleep deprived” and has no time to take care of herself. I recognize my role in this and the need for me to make an income that can support my family and allow her to feel secure enough to walk away from all this for a simpler life. From a yogic perspective what do you think is happening at the pranic level with her heart? How might she work with it?

While the structural distortion in her spine and the related facial restrictions on the pericardium may be an aggravating factor, I doubt it is primary. Finally, when you see “the big picture” and the various levels on which an illness manifests, where do you start? Any insights or recommendations you have would be greatly appreciated.

Blessings to you, R

Yes, many factors are involved, including your role in the relationship with her heart. Helping her to stay open in her heart is the ideal Dharma for a husband. A mantra for yourself - How can I contribute to her healthy and open heart?

On the pranic level this is work for her Adya and udana pranas. The primary prana (Adya) is to insure right input of sensory information that is truly beneficial. This can be read in the pulse as an immediate movement to balance all of the subdoshas of Vata in the radial pulse. The udana pulse is about what elevates her both what she is doing and what is done for her. When activated she will literally glow. Find out what makes her glow and that is to be encouraged what creates a dark cloud around her is to be removed from her field of life.

It is unlikely that her spinal condition is contributing to this. However it will definitely restrict her respiration and that could in turn cause challenges to her heart rhythm and physical mobility. Everything is a part of everything anyway. Change any one factor and the rest will also change. Let us find out what she is willing and motivated to change and support that. What generates more love in her life? Let us add to that nurturing force. What spiritual or prayer works for her?